Ecolint Football Camp - 7 to 13 years old

La Châtaigneraie campus (canton of Vaud)
Age Range
years old
CHF 630.00
Start/End Time
09h00 - 17h00
Registration deadline

Open to both boys and girls, players are divided into groups at the start of the course based on ability and age, to ensure that players of all levels and abilities can benefit from this unique opportunity to develop their skills in "the beautiful game".

Younger or more inexperienced players will join a “Development” group, which provides a safe, friendly and enjoyable environment for youngsters to improve their football skills.

Each day of this course is focused on a specific technical element of the game with coaches delivering a range of technical coaching sessions in the morning followed by focused fun technical games in the afternoon.

Players whose fitness is at a higher level, and who train and play on a regular basis, will join a “Progression” group.

This course is more intense and stretches the individual using challenging technical and training drills whilst incorporating individual and team roles and responsibilities.

The course also focuses on SAQ activities (Speed, Agility & Quickness), individual technical activities, attacking and defending workshops.

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